03 Nov 2022
17:00  - 18:00


Colloquium / Ulf Hahnel

A multidimensional perspective on sustainability and behavior change

Ulf Hahnel, Psychology of Sustainability and Behavior Change, University of Basel

Abstract: An overview of recent research aiming to advance knowledge about the cognitive mechanisms underlying judgment and decision making in the energy and climate domain. This research covers, among others, investment decisions in renewable energy technology and trading decision strategies in innovative peer-to-peer energy markets. Moreover, the talk will cover recent interdisciplinary research illustrating how experimental data from psychological research on decision making preferences can be integrated into energy modelling to analyze the impact of human decision making on the system level. Finally, Ulf will give an outlook of the new group “Psychology of Sustainability and Behavior Change” and its vision to provide evidence-based means to contribute to the transition towards net-zero emissions around the world.

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