SED Doctoral Program
Social, Economic, and Decision Psychology Doctoral Program
The Social, Economic, and Decision Psychology Ph.D. Program researches human behavior in social and economic contexts. It was founded in January 2014 and is unique in Switzerland.
The objective of the program is the best-possible preparation of the doctoral students for a successful academic career in psychology. Central to this is providing participants with optimal support and encouragement as they progress towards independent scientific work. Ph.D. candidates receive state-of-the art training related to theory and methods as well as in cross-disciplinary skills, such as teaching or project management. The Ph.D. program has a modular structure and allows for tailor-made support of participants.
Target group
The Ph.D. program is intended for outstanding students with an excellent Master’s degree (or equivalent) in psychology or related fields, who, in the context of their Ph.D., wish to investigate intensively research questions in social psychology, economic psychology, decision psychology, or decision neuroscience.
Program Supervision
The Ph.D. program is supervised by the heads of the relevant Centers, namely Social Psychology, Economic Psychology, Cognitive and Decision Sciences, and Decision Neuroscience:
Prof. Dr. Rainer Greifeneder (Chair)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Rieskamp
Prof. Dr. Rui Mata

SED Doctoral Program
Missionsstrasse 60/62 | 4055 Basel
Contact: Dr. Mariela Jaffé
Phone: +41 61 207 06 14
Email: mariela.jaffe@unibas.ch